How can we set up alternatives for institutional protocols like the yearly Rundgang, make space for artworks and art-projects which are blurring and breaking boundaries?
In the context of Room to Expand, students should be encouraged and inspired to critically examine the common notion of art, and to experiment with seemingly fixed parameters such as authorship, exhibition space, production conditions, and art recipient, so that these are renegotiated within the framework of their art project. They are encouraged to take a greater sense of responsibility in terms of determining these parameters themselves. Room to Expand sets up conditions and brings together students and teachers from different classes, faculties and institutes, in order for students to produce and support each other with interdisciplinary projects.
It is a platform for exchange, a space to meet new people, and a work proces, but also a reoccurring event in the semester, a yearly transdisciplinary festival with presentations of time-based, and performative formats such as research based art projects, digital projects, participatory projects, collaborative cross-disciplinary projects, (site-specific) performances, audio walks, longer videos, VR projects, public space projects, etc. Goal of this festival is to make visible and actively promote artistic works, projects and strategies that go beyond the classic framework of artistic mediums, I.e. formats that are more difficult to realize during the traditional Rundgang of the UdK in the summer.